Seamless security questionnaires & procurement

Together, HyperComply + Vendr help companies:

  • Speed up software procurement and renewals
  • Automate security questionnaire responses
  • Send vendor security reviews in one click to assess third party risk
  • Ensure compliance and security needs are covered with every software purchase
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Special Offer: Vendr customers can run a 1 questionnaire trial of HyperComply for free.

Accelerate sales cycles

Using AI, HyperComply learns from your past security questionnaires and documentation, and autofills your answers instantly.

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    Autofill questionnaires

    HyperComply autofills security answers using AI with 90%+ accuracy

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    Chrome extension

    Access your custom security knowledge base anytime for quick answers

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    Flexible file types

    We support questionnaires in PDF, DOC, and XLS formats

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    Collaborate in Slack

    Assign specific questions to teammates and get fast responses via email or Slack

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    Easy export

    Send completed questionnaires to your customer in their original format

Talk to Sales
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Simplified vendor reviews

Send free template or custom security questionnaires to vendors so you can onboard new partners with confidence.

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    Vendor dashboard

    See all vendors in one place to quickly assess risk and take action

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    Questionnaire templates

    Use security standards (SIG Lite, CAIQ Lite) or create a custom template

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    Security review workflows

    Quickly see what stage a security review is in and what needs to happen next

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    Audit-ready vendor details

    Automatically build a repository of audit-ready documentation

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    Automated schedules

    Schedule reviews and let HyperComply handle the followup tasks

Get Started FREE
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