Introducing HyperComply Due Diligence

September 8, 2022
In this article:

At HyperComply we believe that ensuring security between two companies should be a source of momentum, not another tedious task to check off.

We saw early on that security reviews are time consuming and tedious on both sides of the process. Responding to security questionnaires requires hours of copy-and-pasting from one spreadsheet to another, or chasing down teammates for answers. And sending out security reviews across dozens or even hundreds of vendors is a mess of duplicate documents that are an auditor’s nightmare.

For the past three years, we’ve focused on fixing the first part of the security review loop: helping companies automate security questionnaire responses to accelerate their sales cycles. Companies used to spend 6-8 hours over the course of 2+ weeks on every single questionnaire they received. With HyperComply, our customers now have a 1-day turnaround that takes just minutes to approve and send out.

Today we’re excited to introduce HyperComply Due Diligence, a better way to manage vendor risk assessments and automate the security review process. With this launch, HyperComply is now the one-stop solution for managing your end-to-end security review processes. Whether you’re conducting vendor due diligence to keep your own company secure, or responding to security questionnaires to help your Sales team close a deal, HyperComply can complete these tasks faster and more efficiently than ever before.

“HyperComply is so easy to use. Other tools over complicate things, but HyperComply has found the right balance.” Kathleen McNaughton, Security & Compliance Engineer Artemis Health

And we didn’t stop there. To better communicate our vision of helping companies move forward with confidence we also gave our brand and logo a refresh–but more on that later.

Easy vendor reviews

Managing vendor risk assessments in Due Diligence lets you create and send vendor security reviews, track progress, and maintain a single due diligence repository to use in future audits. 

Create and send vendor security questionnaires

Kicking off a new vendor security review is as simple as selecting a template and entering a few basic vendor details. With Due Diligence, you have access to industry standard templates like the CAIQ Lite or SIG Lite, which are crafted by experts to ensure security best practices. Or you can easily build your own template to address specific security concerns that are important to your business.

Track questionnaire progress and followup cycles

After selecting a pre-built template or creating your own custom questionnaire, invite your vendor via email. Your vendor will be able to access HyperComply for free, respond to your questionnaire, and submit their responses. Once your vendor has completed the questionnaire, you can approve the vendor’s responses, share feedback, or even flag an answer as a security risk to your internal team. 

Maintain SOC 2 with a vendor repository

In order to maintain SOC 2 certification, companies need to conduct vendor reviews regularly, and keep a paper trail of vendor review efforts. With HyperComply, all vendor questionnaires and documentation live in one central repository, making it easy to access this information when an audit comes up. Each vendor has a detail page where you can capture specific risk levels, and set review cadences to automate the followup process for more regular review cycles.

Streamlining security processes across your team

With HyperComply, a procurement manager can quickly kick off a security review for a new vendor and ensure that product or service meets their team’s security standards. And if they decide to move forward with the agreement, they can also set up automatic third-party due diligence review cycles to check back in with that vendor next quarter or year.

Using HyperComply, a Director of Information Security can create a customized security questionnaire to ensure all vendors address security concerns that are specific to their business. And when an audit is necessary, they have all related vendor details in one streamlined place to ensure they meet SOC 2 or other compliance standards.

And now, getting started with HyperComply is easier than ever. Sign up for a free trial and send out your first vendor reviews for free.

Introducing the new HyperComply

HyperComply is here to turn an old, tedious process into a source of momentum for all. Today in addition to our Due Diligence launch we’re also rolling out a new HyperComply brand that better communicates this vision.

As our company and customers have rapidly evolved over the last three years, we realized that our old brand just wasn’t conveying who we were anymore. The goal of this brand update is to make everything you interact with–from our product to our website to our emails–more representative of who we really are.

We aimed for a new brand that would represent the attributes our company and product deliver to customers every day: Smart, Steady, and Energizing. A new color palette in shades of green along with custom brand shapes, patterns, and icons are helping us bring these attributes to life across our marketing surfaces. Over time, you’ll see more of these changes appearing in our product as well.

To create a new logo, we wanted to capture the idea of two companies coming together in a way that helps both move more quickly toward their goals. Instead of a neutral purple, the color shift to an energizing green highlights the energy created when organizations are able to forge strong partnerships.

Ultimately, our brand is only as good as the value it delivers to you, our customers and partners. So while we’re celebrating this launch and rebrand, we’re also staying focused on delivering even more value to you with upcoming features and product improvements.

Ready to streamline your security reviews? Get started with HyperComply today.